How to Stop Subconsciously Sabotaging Your Financial Goals

Jeremy Joiner |

How often do you set new financial goals? How often do you achieve them?

Most of us aren’t very successful with our goals, even when we have the best intentions and strong willpower.1 Sometimes, that’s because we’re setting unattainable goals. 其他时候,我们会忽略大局,戴着眼罩设定目标.2

不管怎样,我们中的许多人一开始就被我们的目标绊倒了,原因很简单 how 我们设定了它们——因为我们没有意识到有更好的方法.1

And the better way isn’t complicated or time-consuming. 它涉及到一个简单的策略,你可能已经在你生活的其他领域使用过.2

So, let’s take a look at a goal-setting exercise to see:

  1. Where we can go wrong 
  2. How to set better goals for ourselves
  3. 我们如何通过设定目标来避免成为自己最大的敌人 

Top 3 Financial Goals: Self-Reported Goals

What is your number one financial goal right now? 你最想在经济上(和生活中)取得的成就是什么??



In fact, retirement is the top financial goal by far, 超过任何其他自我报告的目标至少三倍.2 几乎每一代人、每一个背景、每一个收入阶层都是如此.2

Now, what about your second and third financial goals? What would you say those are?

Again, most folks stick with similar answers off the cuff, saying their second and third top financial goals are to: 

  • Buy a house.2
  • Feel more secure about their finances now.2


Whether or not they are, here are the real questions to ask: 

  1. Have you set the best 为自己设定目标,基于你在未来5年、10年甚至25年的目标?
  2. Is setting goals off the top of your head the best approach?
  3. How could better goals give you better chances of success?

Top 3 Financial Goals: List-Generated Goals

Now, let’s look at this from a different angle. 与其凭空想出目标,不如看看下面的“选项”.

  1. To be better off than my peers
  2. To pay for personal self-improvement (e.g., go back to school or learn a new skill)
  3. To experience the excitement of investing
  4. To start a new business
  5. To buy a house
  6. To help pay for my kids’ college educations
  7. To stop working and do something I love
  8. To go on a dream vacation

Now that you have, is “retirement” still your top goal? Would you change any of your top three goals? 

Believe it or not, 大多数人在看了一份更长的选择清单后,至少会改变他们的三大财务目标中的一个. 至少有一半的人改变了他们的第一或第二个财务目标.2


但更有趣的是,这些目标并没有被换成“同等价值”的目标.” Instead, folks replaced their original, top-of-mind goals with new objectives that were clearer, more precise, and far more value-based.2

In other words, 当我们设定目标时,清单可以打开更好的选择,向我们展示所有的选择.2

Why Lists Matter in & Outside of Financial Goal Setting

突击测验——如果你有100万美元可以捐赠给你选择的任何慈善机构, however you wanted to, how would you divide that up?

Would you rather dive in and just start giving willy-nilly? 或者你更愿意先看看100家慈善机构的名单,然后做出一些深思熟虑的选择?

从另一个角度来看,认识列表的真正价值可能会更容易一些, outside of goal setting. 然而,这并不会削弱清单在帮助我们做出更明智选择方面的作用.2

相反,列表详细说明了我们的选择,并使我们清楚 all the time. 它们给了我们一种方式,让我们看到过去那些熟悉的选择, and they can do wonders to help us identify better choices, 尤其是当我们在做关于财务和未来的重大决定时.2


How to Set Better Goals for Your Finances & Your Life 

Goal setting isn’t a one-and-done, set-it-and-forget-it task. 如果你真的想设定更好的目标并真正实现它们,这也不是你想在忙碌中做的事情. 现实情况是,我们每个人在设定财务和生活目标时都会遇到困难, 如果我们没有设定足够好的目标,我们可能会和自己打一场失败的仗.

It doesn’t have to be a battle, though, and we can WIN. By simply having the right tools and perspective, 我们真的可以磨练自己为自己设定正确目标的能力. And that can be one key to staying on track, remaining motivated, 在财务和生活中实现任何目标的真正进步和成功.2,3



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